What is Gum Graft Surgery?

If you’re suffering from gum disease, there are multiple stages. Therefore there are also multiple methods of gum disease treatment in Asheville, NC. Gum graft surgery is one of those techniques, done to remedy gum recession or just improve the look of your smile. Dr. Jody Harrison discusses gum graft surgery and how it can benefit you.gum disease treatment in asheville, north carolina

The Consequences of Gum Disease

Gum disease is common in adults. But when it’s let go, it can have detrimental effects on oral health. Gum recession is one of these effects. A receding gum line pulls the gums away from your teeth, making your teeth look much longer. While this is a cosmetic issue, there are worse impacts. Your tooth root can become exposed, leading to pain and discomfort. Further gum recession can lead to losing your teeth.

Gum grafts can help remedy both the oral health and cosmetic impacts of gum recession. They reduce the chance of any more damage coming to your teeth and gums. It minimizes your chance of losing your teeth and eliminates tooth sensitivity caused by exposed tooth roots.

The Multiple Types of Gum Grafts

There are multiple types of gum grafts that are common. Dr. Harrison will give you a full examination and talk to you about your problems to determine which of these are right for your specific case. What works for someone else may not be the best option to fix the issues you’re dealing with.

First, connective-tissue grafts take tissue from the roof of the mouth that’s then stitched to your gum tissue. This is used when you have an exposed tooth root that you need to cover. Free gingival grafts also take tissue from the roof of the mouth and attach it to the area of the gum that’s receding.

For pedicle grafts, the patient has to have a decent amount of healthy gum tissue. The healthy gum tissue near the impacted tooth is cut, but a flap remains partially attached. This is then pulled over the tooth root to ensure that it’s no longer exposed. Lastly, an allograft is done with tissue from a donor instead of using your own.

What to Expect From Gum Graft Surgery

Before your procedure, Dr. Harrison will discuss sedation options with you. Usually, dental sedation or full general anesthesia is used. We want to find the best option based on the procedure you’re getting done and your past medical history. Dr. Harrison will also thoroughly explain your specific procedure to you before it’s done.

After the procedure, you’ll probably have some swelling and discomfort for a couple of days. The office will provide you with aftercare instructions to follow so that healing goes as planned and infections are avoided. You also want to make sure you’re following a regular oral healthcare routine and a healthy diet to avoid further problems.

Gum Disease Treatment in Asheville, North Carolina

Is gum graft surgery the right way to help you treat your gum disease? Call us or schedule a consultation with Dr. Harrison online.