Enjoy Better Treatment with Advanced Technology

Many of the things that patients dread about the dentist come down to an outdated fear of “primitive” treatment procedures. However, dentistry, like any other field, is progressing all the time. Many traditional techniques have been replaced by modern technology that is designed to be faster, more comfortable, and more effective. Dr. Jody Harrison has made a commitment to staying at the forefront of dental technology in order to offer his patients the best treatment possible.

dental technology asheville nc

Imaging and Diagnosis

Many technologies assist in more accurate and comfortable evaluation and diagnosis.

Digital X-Rays

X-rays are a necessary part of dentistry – there’s no way around it. They are a vital part of monitoring your dental health and assessing the teeth and jaw from the inside out. With digital imaging, the process of taking x-rays is quicker and the resulting images can be used more flexibly. The high-resolution images are stored digitally so that they can be easily found for your appointment or sent to a specialist. We can also expand, magnify, and manipulate your x-rays for a better view without exposing you to more radiation. Digital x-rays are safer and more convenient for both us and our patients.

3-D Imaging

3-D imaging captures not just hard tissues, but also soft tissues such as muscles, nerves, and gums. The images are incredibly precise and give a more accurate picture of the mouth than traditional methods. This means that restorative treatments such as implants can be planned and placed with better accuracy than ever before. 3-D imaging provides more a comfortable and enjoyable dental experience.

Periodontal Therapy with Platelet Rich Plasma

Many tooth problems have their root in gum problems, and the goal of any periodontal therapy is to address this. Platelet rich plasma, or PHP, is a relatively new technique designed to encourage and accelerate healing. This treatment is often used together with another treatment, such as bone grafts, to speed up soft and hard tissue healing with the growth factors that the platelets provide.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Jody Harrison is always open to new ways to improve his treatment. Cutting-edge modern technology means that our treatment is the best it can be. To ask a question about our techniques or to schedule an appointment at our Asheville, NC office, contact us on our website or at (828) 202-1706.