The Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth

Many people who lose a tooth may feel embarrassed about showing it to anyone, even their dentist. However, it is important to replace your missing teeth quickly. Missing teeth can affect not only your confidence but also your health and quality of life. Dr. Jody Harrison in Asheville, NC offers a variety of replacement options to suit the needs of every patient. Dr. Harrison and his team aim to provide patients with the most comfortable, comprehensive dental care possible.

replacing missing teeth ashville nc

The Health Impacts of Tooth Loss

Without the roots of your teeth to stimulate your jaw bone, bone loss can happen very quickly. Bone loss can make installing tooth replacement options more difficult so it is important to act fast. Losing even one tooth can cause a cascade of worsening bite problems. The extra space can allow teeth to shift out of proper alignment. Surrounding teeth can loosen and even fall out. Tooth loss also increases your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease. Replacing your tooth quickly is key to maintaining the health of your smile.

Quality of Life and Missing Teeth

Losing a tooth, particularly a visible one, can have a big impact on your self esteem. Maintaining your confidence is key to good mental health. More pertinently, losing a tooth – or multiple teeth – can make it difficult to pronounce certain words or even to eat your favorite foods. To maintain a good quality of life, replacement is the best choice.

Replacement Options

Depending on your situation, Dr. Harrison may recommend a different treatment option or set of treatments. These can include:

Wherever possible, Dr. Harrison recommends dental implants. They are a permanent solution that prevent bone loss and look and work like real teeth. They can also be used to secure dental bridges and dentures.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are ready to seek replacement options for your missing tooth or teeth, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jody Harrison in Asheville, NC to discuss your treatment options. To schedule an appointment, contact our office online or at (828) 202-1706 today.